The Critical Components That Every Roof Needs
Roofing systems require certain elements to protect the structure and interior of your home adequately. There are different layers beneath the Tiles, shingles or flat roof surface material that work together to form the roofing system and keep it functioning properly. When repairing a roof, roofing experts inspect the roof as a whole, not just visible damage. Different types of…
Roofing Terminology Explained
When it comes to deciding whether to repair or replace your roof, it’s in your best interests to learn some of the terminology used in the roofing industry. At ABC Roofing Corp. we believe in educating our clients and have provided this list of commonly used terminology: Eave Eaves are the lower edge of the roof overhang. They overhang keeps…
Four Qualities Of An Awesome Roofing Company
When hiring a roofing company for your project, here is a list of qualities we advise you to look out for. Realistic A roofing company who is realistic about the time it takes to complete a job, and about how much it will cost. Their realistic expectations will assist you in determining an accurate budget and timeline. Without an…
What Causes A Roof Leak?
You’ve just bought your dream home, complete with a white picket fence and the iconic tile roof. Your furniture has been delivered and you manage to get everything inside just before a routine South Florida rain storm. It is at this moment that you realize that your roof has a leak – and you have no idea what has caused…